Top 10k strings from Cosmos (1982)(Abbex Electronics)(16k).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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5 Press any key to continue." 1 p#p#p##p#p#p! 1 o~2Sb#~2Cb#~2sb#~2qe: 1 RvTvVvXvZv 1 M/C d 1 Do you want instructions? (y/n)" 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Cosmos M/CX 1 Cosmos Bsc 1 Cosmos 1 ;"repeat instructions"';" _______________________ ";' 1 ;"present" 1 ;"key to begin" 1 ;"ZX Spectrum" 1 ;"ViewScreen";'''' 1 ;"THE GAMES PEOPLE";'' 1 ;"Starship Destroyed": 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE!": 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE RECORDER!" 1 ;"START THE TAPE RECORDER"; 1 ;"Press any other"; 1 ;"Press any key to start": 1 ;"Press 'r' to"; 1 ;"Prepare for next attack!": 1 ;"Position Status"; 1 ;"Laser Power"; 1 ;"Indicator"; 1 ;"Indicator Reports" 1 ;"Cursor";''''' 1 ;"Convoy Destroyed": 1 ;"AND GOOD LUCK!": 1 ;"ALIENS DESTROYED"; 1 ;"5:KEYBOARD LAYOUT"; 1 ;"2:SCREEN LAYOUT"'''' 1 ;"1)Flashes when asteriods enter the quadrant. 2)Number of convoy ships left. 3)Number of alien ships in quadrant (maximum 18). 4)Flashes when defence shield islost due to three warp mine detonations. One more is fatal." 1 ;"# GAME OVER #" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 4:CHARACTERS 1 3:STATUS REPORTS 1 1:COSMOS SCENARIO 1 ''"You can press as many keys as you like, allowing you to move the viewscreen diagonally, and to fire whilst moving." 1 '" Using two pawerful lasers, you MUST destroy the aliens before all is lost!" 1 '" It is also known that eighteen alien robot ships will enter your quadrant, and they will stop at nothing to see the convoy destroyed." 1 '" As the alien ships attack, they lay deadly warp mines to destroy your starship, and leavethe convoy to the mercy of the asteriods." 1 '" A quadrant of space (area 3x3sectors) is placed under your control, with a convoy of nine ships in the centre. using your viewscreen you can 'see' the equivalent area of one sector, and by manipulation of the viewscreen all nine sectors can be observed. Your starship computer is programmed to give advance warning of all imminenthazards or threats." 1 ";''" You are the pilot of an advanced defender class star- ship. You must protect convoys of sub-light speed cargo vesselsfrom hostile attack and natural dangers." 1 " This area of space is subjectto frequent asteroid showers, which are known to drift horizontally from the left or right ends of the quadrant." 1 1982 Costa Panayi" 1 1982 Costa Panayi 1 1982 Costa Panayi 1 Convoy Ship.......280 Pts (for each ship saved)"''" 1 Asteroid...........40 Pts "''" 1 Alien Warp Mine (Four hits destroy your starship)" 1 Alien Robot Ship..120 Pts "''" 1 Hatfield, Herts. 1 Hatfield 1